Monday, August 26, 2013


Hello family! I love you all, and once again... my letter will be terrible this week, so sorry!
1. How is Grandpa Doc doing, I don’t know why, but he has been on my mind this week! Oma... tell him hello!
2. I had an awesome week as far as new investigators! We had 16! that is awesome, but the best part is the prayers that were answered. The prayers of our companionship were all about this need, and god answered us. I know, and testify, and promise., that God listens and answers our prayers. Think about it.. a chance to talk to god.. Awesome! (Enos 1)
3. With all of the new investigators, we thought the chapel would be filled yesterday. We were wrong. 32 people. That is about half of what it usually is. WE didn’t have any investigators there, which was.. a heart break. Dad this is my story. I was sitting in the chapel, moping around with a frown, when I read Heleman 5:12. I don’t know why I read it, but it really hit me strongly. WE HAVE THE LORD: we have no reason to fear, or to be sad. The foundation of the Savior is... amazing (Jacob 4:16). I thought about the rock at the cabin after I read this verse. IT is a huge rock, but it is nowhere close to as big as the rock of our savior. He promises us that if we build on this rock, we will not fall. No matter what. A really awesome example of this is...
4. Doctrine and COnvantes (is that right in English?) 122. Joseph Smith was in Liberty Jail, and he received this revelation. this 9 verses are awesome, and really sad, but so true. There is nothing in this world, no pain, no sorrow, no struggle, that the Savior does not understand. HE is always there to help. I was really sad about the investigators, but when I thought about the savior, and how sad he is... it is not even close. The lord has given us this invitation, to come unto him. HE suffered for us, and still millions and billions of people reject him. Because if we aren’t of his fold, we are against him. What a blessing to be in his fold.
5. The lord has room for more people in his foundation. We have an investigator, who randomly is the best friend of one of our converts! she told us this yesterday. Everyone has a friend, who can hear the gospel and change their life. Who is yours? Change their life. I can think of a lot of people that I really want to have the gospel... but I was always afraid to talk about it. Don’t be afraid. just do it!
6. Any update on my Debit card??
7. Oh my goodness, shad in Hamilton!! Haha  that is awesome. Good luck ross and Micah en your missions! serve the lord with all your heart and he will change your heart.
8. I studied about commandments this week for part of my "training". I love them. They are so simple I don’t know if I already talked about this, but I am going to again if I have. I was thinking about how people don’t follow the commandments and how I couldn’t figure why. then I thought about mom and my senior pictures. Mom, you asked me for months, well.. a year.. to get my senior pictures, and I never did it. Why not, because it was effort. IT is the same excuse for everyone else and the commandments. With the pictures, mom would be happier, and would give me a lot of blessings. she could trust that I would do as she asked. I failed. The lord promises us blessings, and well, the lord has the ability to give us anything we want. He will be happy, and trust us... if we will just keep the commandments. "keep the commandments.. in this there is safety and peace.." so true!
9. haha this week.. I learned the word in Guarani for hot.. jaku... and the next day I learned the word for cold.. ereuh.. haha so I guess the weather here is a lot like Idaho!
10. Good luck everyone with school! Be safe, be smart, be healthy, have fun, because soon.. it will be done!
11. I should be a poet!
12. I had a three amigos moment this week. There was a joke during a lesson, and everyone was laughing.. and I was just thinking.. what did they say?? but I wanted to fit in, so I just started laughing, and soon I was the only one laughing. it was really hilarious!! haha the three amigos is really popular with missionaries, and we all talk about it a lot!
13. I hate Taylor Swift. Everyone here asks me about her songs, and what the lyrics mean, and if I have ever seen here. let me just tell you, the lyrics are not as catchy in Spanish. haha it is even worse with Justin Bieber. Sorry Morgan!!
14. Aunt Libby! hay un equepo de futbol se llama Libertad... I always think of you with that!
15. boskie, congrats on football man! be strong, and hit someone really hard! I was never good at football. just remember to have fun!
I love you all, and pray for you all a lot! be safe!!
Given them heaven!

Elder Chelson

Monday, August 19, 2013

I Love the Lord!!!

Holy cow another week! I am glad I can share some of my experiences with you all, and if you have any questions, I will answer them... sometime!
1. This week was rather fast. I only worked 5 of the 7 days! Mondays we never work, or only work for 3 hours in the night. Wednesday.. wow. I don’t know what happened, but I think I ate a bad empanada! I was down for... 24 hours. I threw up 5 times, had problems with the bathroom, and couldn’t really stand up.. I was practically dead. I don’t know how, but I am 100% again! haha to spare the details of it all.. I lost 10 kg.. that is like 22 pounds, of weight that day! haha I think I put it back on yesterday.. so no need to fear!! I am all well now, but then. no,
2. WE have been struggling to find new investigators! I had a little bit of a hope that I would get a new companion this transfer, because my comp has been her for 6 months, and knows everyone! it is hard to contact when everyone knows you, and your message! haha but I didn’t get a new one, thank goodness!, Hahira and we are still struggling to find new people! it is crazy to me that people don’t want to accept our message! it is so beautiful! families are forever, and they don’t want that? haha but.. then I remember that they don’t know the joy of the gospel, they don’t know that all things are possible with Christ.. they don’t know. and for that, I need to tell them!
3. I have been struggling with the lack of new investigators. Really bad. a little angry. how can I teach if I don’t have people? then, yesterday, I read in chapter 9 of Preach my Gospel. I feel a little bit humbled, to say the least. It practically said that it is a matter of faith. I need more faith. Hate lord is in this work. Hate lord knows his sheep, and can help me to find them! WE prayed in our comp study to find people, and yesterday we found a really great lady, who I think will progress!
4. one of the hardest things about this mission is that everyone listens to our message, but hardly any accept it. I end every day in hopes that we found so many great investigators, and then they... just don’t accept it. I pray every day for help, and I know you all pray for me too!
5. I spoke in church yesterday!!! In Spanish! it was so bad!!!! no.. it was actually pretty good! I don’t know what happened, but I didn’t really struggle with the words. I think it was the spirit! I can’t speak Spanish, the Holy Ghost can. I have learned that lesson during my mission! For sure, the holy ghost speaks to people!
 I really don’t have much to write about this week... with my sickness, and with no investigators, so I think I will write my testimony of the book of Mormon!
THE BOOK OF MORMON IS TRUE. I know this without a doubt. It is a gift from god. the words are true, and can help us! I love the words of the prophets, all of which testify of Christ. It is through this book that I learned that he is my savior. I would not be here in Paraguay without it. I love Nephi, Jacob, Enos, Ammon, Alma, Amulek, Aaron, Moroni, King Benjamin, Kind Mosiah, all of these great men. they are my heroes and my friends. I invite you all, tonight, to read a little bit of the book, and after to pray, and strengthen your testimony of the truthfulness of the book! It will surprise you how your will feel! I know, with all of my heart and soul, that it is true!

sorry this letter was so lame.. I am terrible! I will try to be better next week! Oh.. and pictures! I think I can send some of them...
 I love you all! Given them heaven!
Elder Chelson

Monday, August 12, 2013

Hola Familia!

Wow, what a great week! I have seen so many amazing things, and learned so much, just in these 7 days!
1. We had another baptism! The mom of two of the converts from last week was baptized this Friday. She is so funny! She, like almost all the people here, has like three teeth. haha she is like my mom here in Paraguay! she feeds us all the time, and wants us to visit everyday! i love her! I was so happy at her baptism, because her and her daughters were happy! i know that the gospel is the way to happiness!
2. I had a little scare before the baptism... we lost the keys to the font. haha for hours and hours we searched, and in the end we ended up just breaking in! haha i took it as a lesson. I always want to be worthy to have the priesthood, so that i can always baptize. I don't want to "lose my keys".
3. One of our converts from last week decided to leave her family and go live with her boyfriend. Less than 10 days of cleanliness... ugh. we are trying with her, and today we will teach 2 Nephi 31. The gospel is a life, not a one time action. that is for sure. I think it will work! haha
4. I found a great scripture! Alma 23:7. IT is great for all the people who want to be closer to Christ, but cant. IT says that they left all of there weapons of rebellion. It is about the anti-nephi-lehis. If we want to be closer to god, we need to leave our weapons. These weapons are anything that is contrary to god. IT can be TV, computers, phones, sports, friends, etc. Anything that takes us from god is against god. I know that i have a lot to change, and a lot to leave behind. I work on it constantly. Everyday.. ugh it is hard. But repentance can be hard. Salvation is not easy.
5. with that i thought of a phrase of President openshaw from the CCM about learning Spanish.. "pray for help. He wont just let you speak right away, but he will make it easier." The lord can help us, if we let him. The atonement is for all who accept it. Wow, so beautiful!
6. Thanks to sarah thueson, who sent me a package for christmas in July! I got it is august, but I am still thankful for it! If one of you could tell her thanks, and that her testimony was desperately needed by me today, I would be thankful!
7. You know the videos of Florida, during a hurricane with tons of wind and rain... I experienced that on Friday. I was walking, and all of a sudden, I was almost thrown off my feet. I am not kidding when I say this. I was shocked! haha and a umbrella does nothing in this situation, because the wind is explosive! Heleman 5:12 has a different meaning to me know. Wow. How blessed we are to have a strong foundation. I love Christ.
8. This is the last day of my first transfer in Paraguay! I am so glad for the things i have learned during this time. I find it so hard to believe that it has been this much time! IT is crazy!
9. Porter, you sent me a Dear Elder... and it had some of the best words I have ever read. I needed to read it. It was about how the Gospel can bless anyone! I wrote about it in my journal, and tears were flowing. i don't know why, but i cry alot. haha the lord has blessed me immensely!
10. This week we studied about the gospel, prayer, and the holy ghost. i love them all. I have a challenge for all of you. One day, every time you feel the spirit, make note of it. And that night, give a prayer of gratitude. You will be amazed!
11. I was watching a part of the district.. it has a missionary say "im so tired." we just laughed. haha i am glad that we don't have a car, or a bike, and that it is always hot. These things are blessings. I am not of the world, i am working in the lords work.
12. I love you all, and if I forgot to write something, I am so sorry. The lord has given me so many blessings, I could never put to words all of them. Most of the time, during my testimony, i have to just say, i love it, or it is amazing. haha it is difficult to describe, and that is why we all need to feel. Don't ever go to the point where you are past feeling. Ever!!!!
Love you all, Given um Heaven, all that jazz... Elder Chelson
p.s. I have the best family ever!

p.p.p.s. I have an elder in my zone from Chico California! HE knows the cousins! Elder Bowles!!!

Monday, August 5, 2013


This was the best week so far! I know I say that every week, but it is true!
1. I had 5 Baptisms this week! All with miracles! Two different families, 5 girls. One family had Andrea, 18 with a 3 month child, Erika, 15, Yaninna, 13. <The other family had Fatima, 13, and Ruth, 12. At the start of the week, they all said they wanted to be baptized. I cant really explain all that happened. But I can tell a few stories. Fatima- she wanted to be baptized forever, and has had a lot of temptations this week. She told us that she has lost friends, and family, because of this desire. She said that everyday she was offered beer, and once it was practically thrown at her. She withstood, and I baptized and confirmed her. Ruth- Ruth didn't know until Sunday night. I had talked to her about how she need to pray for the answer, and she did. God told her yes. She was really excited to be baptized, and will be really Strong. Yaninna- she want to serve a mission. That is right, a mission. haha she will be really Strong in the church, and already loves all the branch! Erika- i also baptized her. She said that after, she felt clean and light. I know that she is clean, and will stay clean. She is alot like Nat.. really sassy and funny! She said she wanted me to baptize her because i am a rubio! Andrea- we asked her why she wanted to be baptized, and she said that she just thought she should. She knew it was right. IT was like alma 32:21. She had a little faith, but great works! I am so happy for her and her son. HE got blessed in Church also. his life will be so much better with a knowledge of the savior everyday!
2. I am grateful for the priesthood. I was able to participate in 2 baptisms, 5 confirmations, and a blessing of the sick. I know that it is an honor to have this power and authority, something that only our church has. I love Hebrews 5:4. IT explains the sacred nature of the priesthood, I think. I am glad for it.
3. Satan is real. I am sorry to have to write about him, but he is real. He worked hard against those who were baptized, and still works on them now. But they have the holy ghost now, so I am not worried. I feel temptations everyday. IT is just easier to sin, but it is not right. I know that all of my joy in this life is because of the gospel. Every blessing. Great or small. is because of this Church. I love it.
4. Apparently the gift of tongues is real. I was told that during my confirmations and baptisms, i sounded like a Mexican... i don't know.. but i know that i pray everyday for it.
5. We had a meeting in Asuncion for all of the missionaries being trained, and my President had an awesome piece of advice. Take the good, leave the bad. With our trainers, they aren't perfect, but they have some good thing that we need in our life. With the large number of missionaries coming in the next few transferred, they said we will all be trainers, most likely. I am worried about that, but i know with the lord all is possible.
6. I was mad at my comp the other day, and he said something that broke my heart. He said that i am one of his tow favorite people in Paraguay. He said i am his best friend. I felt so terrible... it was a lesson for me on patience and love. I need more of it! I love chapter 6 of preach my gospel. it is a gage for a better life for everyone! IF you have the book, go read it, and apply it!
7. I really want some "mnm´s" if you know what I mean!
8. I love empanadas, and i think they will be the death of me. I can eat them nonstop. I was thinking the other day how great it would be if the farmers market in Washington D.C: made me some everyday... i would be so happy!
9. I have seen blessings from my setting apart come true this week, another testimony of the  strength of the priesthood!
10. We have no investigators right now, because almost all were baptized... haha so this next week we will be searching alot! pray for the people here, that need the message. Every ones life can be made better with Christ!
11. I found some songs that I think Hannah and em will like. they are about Joesph, Hyrum, and Emma Smith. i don't know the titles, but i know some of the lyrics ! "How much can one heart take" is about Emma smith, "as a lamb to the slaughter, a prophet of truth" is about Joesph, "Brother I will follow you" is about hyrum. I love the songs!
12. I know that this church, is the church of Jesus Christ. I know that god loves and knows all of us. I know that Jesus Christ is my savior and redeemer. It is impossible to put to words my gratitude for him. I know that Joesph smith, with a simple prayer, saw god and Jesus Christ. It changed the world. I know that with god all things are possible. Never give up hope. ever!
13. How is everything at home? any big changes or fun news? I love you all!

Elder Chelson, givin um heaven!