Monday, December 23, 2013

I Love You All!!!!

I was transfered to a different area... barrio obrero... we have two huge futbol stadiums in our street! My comp is named elder Shelby, and I love working with him! I love you all, an am looking forward to talking to you all, 40 minutes no mas... oh and dad, did you ever hear of a jumping Joe Shelby at BYU? He is the dad of my comp... I love you all, be safe!!

Elder Chelson, given um heaven!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Hot dogs and good adventures!!

Hahahaha I feel like I need to explain my title! This week, we contact two guys, who were named hot dog and good adventure! Haha it was so funny!  We also contacted a guy who told us that he was never ever going to change his religion, but we still have an appointment with him this week! Hurray!! I am doing good, and am happy!!
1. I had a little bit of a sad moment yesterday. One of my converts in now drinking... and I am a little upset! It was a relapse, so we should have seen it coming. I can see how the talk of elder Scott from the last conference applies now. We are applying the atonement, but if we aren’t strong in our commitments and covenants, .like the people of Ammon, we might fall back. We are going to will with our dear brother and help him, but I felt so much dispare... I felt like I need to just hug um and be with um... but I can’t. I am praying tons right now for him!!
2. This week, we had sad experience with a baptismal interview... we had a girl who wanted to be baptized, and I was in her house to do the interview. Her dad came, and she was afraid, so she asked if we could do the interview in the church the next day. We said yes, and the next day, she called us and said that her dad wouldn’t let her leave. Her dad told he that she had two choices, be baptized, or live in the house. She is afraid and doesn’t know what to do. I am really grateful that I was raised in the gospel, and that I had the chance to learn from good parents!
3. I am now using a purse... haha the backpack thing with the heat here is terrible, so I found a bag to use like a shoulder bag, and I look mighty fine with it!
4. We finished the training of elder fox this week, and there is a really good chance that I am going to be transfered this Wednesday! I am really grateful for him and for his help for me! I needed someone like him. I am so amazed at the growth in me in these last six weeks. I can teach now! I love it! Something that I am going to miss about him is his loving nature. I hope I have a really good 4th companion too, because up to now, I have had all the best!!
5. This week, I found something that I really needed. I found my need, the thing I need to change most! I need to learn how to recognize the promptings of the spirit in my life. I feel like if I can do that, I am going to find the harry potters (chosen ones), and I will know where to go and when. How lucky am I that there is a chapter in preach my gospel for this exact thing!
6. I am looking forward to talking with you all this next week. Something you should know is that I won’t have much time. 40 minutes max, and if I use those 40, I only have 20 to write on Monday. So I think you should all send me your questions on Monday, and I will just write a little one for you all! And then when we talk, it will be really good!!
I love you all! Read your scriptures, pray, attend the temple, and do good! Be an example of the love of god through your actions, and be nice to the missionaries!!
Given um heaven!!

Elder Chelson

Monday, December 9, 2013

Mbe´e Chapa?

Hola familia y amigos! Como estan? Estoy muy feliz, y muy animado para escribirles!
1. This week was a rather hot one, and that is really funny because it is really cold in your houses!! Haha but because it was so hot, tons of people invited us in to have a cup of water, and to share a little. Tons don’t want to listen to a full lesson, but we sing a hymn about Christ and share Alma 7! It is pretty powerful, and in love it!
2. My converts are doing awesome!! In love that in have had so much time with them here in coronel Oviedo!! Onofre is now blessing the sacrament, and dad, like with your story, he does it so carefully, and every word has meaning! In almost cry every time he blesses it! Also, he went to the temple this week to do baptisms! In am so amazed at the change he made in his life! In am sure that the lord can change anyone, including us, to be better! I love that part of serving!
3. This week, there was something kind of like pioneer days! It was the "day of the virgin of caacupe!" haha all of the catholic community gets together to celebrate, and tons of people walk from coronel Oviedo caacupe! That is 84 km!! Haha it is funny because in think in wall that much every week, so for me it is nothing, but for them it is a huge sacrifices! In love the devotion that they have for their religion, and it made me think bout what in am doing to show my devotion. I think in can be a little bit better!!
4. My companion elder fox is really awesome!! Haha we can tease about just about anything now, and in think he will be a lifelong friend! It is weird to think that in have only known him for like 5 weeks, but already he is like that! (But in guess in have only known Morgan minds for 6 days [shoutout]) haha he was a good friend for me this week especially because i was really sick, and he just helped me a ton!! So shoutout to him too!!
5. Em, dad says that you are playing crazy good! Keep it up! Someone take a video of her, and keep it!!! Haha and now for Brigham and Nat, how are you doing? How is school going, and how is the snow?? Is Nat going to be in drivers Ed soon?? No!!!!! She is too little!!
6. I have found out something amazing about the scriptures this week, well in was reminded! They were written for our days! I am going to talk about inspired questions for my district meeting tomorrow, and I just so happened to read today in Alma 32, with tons of inspired questions!! He is an example for me! We can apply their lives with ours right now, and always there is something to change!!
7. In love you all, and was thinking about you all this past Saturdayª! We were eating with members, and there TV was on. I didn’t watch it, but jingle all the way was playing!! That was really tempting for me!! Ahh... so hard!!  love you all, and am praying for you constantly!

Love, elder Chelson :)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Weekly update from Coronel Oviedo 1.2

Hey there folks!! How’s it going? I am pleased to have this chance once again to write you all!
1. This week we had a zone conference, and in the conference we talked about the atonement of Christ for all of us. President Agazzani showed us the film the atonement and mission work, and I really was moved!! I thought a lot about my work, and how I can improve, there is just so much to do!"! I am feeling a little bit stressed to do it, but I am going to take baby steps, like bob from what about bob.
2. I bore my testimony in church yesterday about the ability of Christ to cleanse us. There is an example in Matthew that talks about a leper who says, in Spanish, "Lord, if you want, you can cleanse Me." the
response of Christ is "I want to. Be clean." it is so beautiful and simple, but it is the truth. He wants to help us. Sister Christofferson, when she was here with her husband, said that Christ has blessings for us, but we can only receive them if we are ready. If there is anything you need to change in your lives, do it! Do it now.
Ask to be cleaned, and he will clean you. I know that he will help you!!
3. This week, for thanksgiving, we ate hamburgers that were a little undercooked with a juice that was a little watery. But I was happy! Haha I am thankful for this mission, and for the experiences that I am gaining. The lord is working on my heart, and I love it! Ifinished my first journal this last week, and I was reading about my experiences up to now. The lord gives me miracles every day! I think he is giving you them too! You should look for them!
4. I love my district, and I wrote my president about something this week, but it is in Spanish!! Good luck reading it!!
"elder Ramirez me pregunto algo interestante esta semana... "¿como podemos bautizar mas?" yo estudie para contestar, y yo tengo un leccion muy buena para mañana en mi reunion de distrito! vamos a hacer
la actividad que se encuentra en p. 15 de pme, en la seccion para companerismo. estamos estudiando sobre estas gran misioneros, y yo voy a preguntar que fue diferente sobre estas misioneros y nosotros.
dispues yo voy a decirles a mi distrito que necistamos aplicar los ejemplos de estes personas, y tambien capitulo 10 de pme, y con esto vamos a tener bautismos! estoy animado para ayudar a estas personas!"
5. I want you all to know that I love you, and pray for you! do you have any questions about Paraguay, my food, the people, anything? sometimes I feel like I am just writing random things... I love you

Elder Chelson :)