Monday, September 9, 2013

Hey there Everyone!!

The sun is shining, the people are the streets, and i am here writing you all! haha i don't have much time today, so i apologize already for this terrible letter! I will have so many stories to tell someday!!
1. I love the Lord. This week he really helped us alot with the work! we had over 20 lessons this last week, which is just crazy! TO show how the lord really helped us, i am going to talk about Thursday! Thursday, we went out to work, and wanted to visit a really great investigating family, but it is all women in this house, and we didn't have a male to help us. we had a feeling to pass by anyways.. and in there house was a friend, who is a guy! we taught about obedience, and they all said they want to be baptized! then we went to visit a less active family, but they weren't in their house, but as we were leaving, they pulled up in there car! we talked, and invited them to Church! then we went to visit a recent convert, selustiana! she said to her daughter `why don't those missionaries come anymore`, and literally twenty seconds later we were in her house! she came to Church and helped us with an investigator yesterday!! then, we went to visit other families, but no one was home, it was about 9, so we started walking home. we walked really fast, and didn't know why, but when we were about 20 steps from our house, we saw another investigator, and had a conversation bout his reading of the Book of Mormon!! he knows it is trueªª so crazy! haha the lord guided us like that all week! I know this is his work!!
2. I was a little bit sick, ok, really sick, on Saturday, but it was a really important day! we needed to invite lots of people to church, and there was a baptism service! I said a prayer before we left the house for health.. i don't know how, but i worked all day, without weakness! the lord answers prayers people, this is just another example of that! O and just so you all know, it is empanadas that make me sick here! and it just so happens that empanadas is the main food source here in Paraguay! haha looks like i will have a fun tow years!! :)
3. I am in 3 Nephi right now, and i love the book of Mormon! i am looking forward to the chance to say... i have read this grand book in English, and in Spanish, and in both languages, i know it is true!! so wonderful!
4. I have realized this week, even more than before, that there are people here just begging for the gospel! one example is a lady and her daughter, who have a fruit store named after the virgin! haha we passed by this house for almost three months, and never stopped because it looked un promising! We stopped to ask a question, and the lady begged us to teach her and her daughter!! we were all like... well if you want us to... i guess we can... haha and we taught lesson 1 with lots of energy! i love it!
5. this week in the training process, i have to be the senior comp!! i am not ready for that! haha but i think the lord can help me!
6. We had a zone training meeting this week!! it was awesome! we talked about a successful missionary! I have a secret for you all, it isn't numbers!! the lord doesn't call me every week and ask about my new investigators, but he does require that i work with diligence and all my heart! that was what i learned! an awesome quote of Presidente Agazzani!! he said, there is a difference between a successful missionary and a missionary with success. powerful i think!! I loved it! I love this mission! i cannot think of a better place for me to be right now! the lord is using me, and i am so lucky to have this chance! i am so undeserving of this, but thelord has put his trust in me, and i will not let him down! I AM A SERVANT OF THE LORD!! I HAVE BEEN CALLED OF HIM, AND I WILL SERVE HIM WITH ALL OF MY HEART, MIND AND STRENGTH! I WILL NOT LET HIM DOWN.
7. i may have gone a little extreme with number 6. sorry.
I really am sorry for this terrible letter! i will try to be better with my next ones!!
I love you all!!
Given them heaven!!

Elder Chelson

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